Being Confident in the Little Things

I'm trying to be bold this semester. Talk louder, hug oftener, laugh harder, love more.

For me, saying hi to someone new is pretty bold. Making that first move, putting myself out there, being vulnerable. It's also confidence. Confidence in who you were made to be and what you were called to do. Because, my dears, you were not called to be quiet, afraid, shy, forgotten, and ignored. You were created to love fully, to be filled with the Holy Spirit, to live in a state of worship, to  pour out of the overflow of your heart. You were made to heal, to build up, to teach, to inspire, to serve, to encourage, to do big hard things for a GREAT GOD. 

Don't let anything stop you from that calling.

Not the whispers about how you look. The fear of rejection. The fear of being awkward. The belief that you aren't good enough. The mistake you just made. 

Let it all go. Don't dwell on it anymore. Don't let those thoughts distract you from your Savior. Lay them all down. Surrender.

Rejoice in the brokenness. You've heard it before, I've heard it before, but it's true. I always thought that it meant "Well, you messed up, now you can learn from that mistake, and not make any more." Don't get me wrong. God doesn't want you to sin. But, if he took away all of the temptations and all of the trials, what kind of a faith would you have?

 I specifically asked God to help me be perfect. I don't want to mess up. And you want me to be perfect, right? So we have a deal. But he wants me to be holy, not perfect. And sometimes that means learning the hard way. Sticking with God when I feel like a disaster. Being humbled by my own choices and left at his feet, marveling at his mercy. Boast in your weakness. Be excited about failure! Not to do it again, but because of the humility and gratefulness it has brought to you! Don't dwell on the mistake, focus on the growth that will come. And rejoice because of the one who will never stop helping you grow. 

It's all about growth, peeps. One step at a time. One 'hello' at a time. One 'can i pray for you' at a time. One 'I love you' at a time. One 'the God who makes the sun shine down on us has asked you to be his shining princess forever, he's covered all of the costs, he's transformed your dirty rags into gowns of gold. will you love him' at a time.

Thanks for walking this road with me, sisters. Love you! 

P.S the beautiful model is my amazing roommate Esther. This one's for you, brave queen!


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